Category: Wellbeing Info
Top employers focus on employee wellbeing – how do they do it?
You don’t have to be a global brand like DHL to win awards but to be a top employer like them, you have to focus on employee wellbeing. I was fortunate to work with DHL this year on their wellbeing strategy and they are making great strides. Without sharing any top secret information from them […]
Why do women talk more about mental health?
This is a question we often discuss on my training courses. It feels like an uncomfortable stereotype. Of course this isn’t the case for everyone. Employees on my courses tell me that they feel women are more comfortable opening up about their mental health which means they are less likely to turn to unhelpful coping […]
Empathy – what is that?
Empathy doesn’t come naturally to all of us. When I teach mental health first aid, I always show this video as Brene Brown explains what empathy is much better than I can. This clip tells you all you need to know about the difference between Sympathy and Empathy. There really is such a difference.
Your mind speaks your body – my experience of mental health and a cancer diagnosis
My job is to encourage openness about mental health and yet I have been keeping quiet about my recent cancer diagnosis. Why? What’s the difference? I have spent a few weeks mulling this over. I used to think it was much easier to open up about physical health than it was mental health. Perhaps […]